How Long Does Dark Night Of The Soul Last? A Detailed Guide

How Long Does Dark Night Of The Soul Last

The “Dark Night of the Soul” concept is an enigmatic and profound phenomenon that has captivated thinkers, theologians, and seekers of personal growth for centuries. Originating in the mystical writings of St. John of the Cross, this term has evolved to encompass a variety of interpretations and understandings across different cultural and spiritual contexts. In contemporary life, the Dark Night of the Soul is not just a relic of religious mysticism but a deeply relevant metaphor for the transformative challenges and existential crises many face in their journeys.

The Dark Night of the Soul represents a phase of profound inner turmoil and spiritual desolation, where individuals confront the most profound questions of existence and identity. This experience, often marked by loneliness and disconnection from the world, is paradoxically a journey towards self-discovery and enlightenment. It’s a process where the erosion of the ego and the dissolution of former beliefs pave the way for a more authentic and meaningful existence.

Join us as we navigate the intricate labyrinth of the Dark Night of the Soul, uncovering the wisdom and strength that lie in its shadows and understanding how this challenging experience can become a catalyst for profound personal change and spiritual awakening.

The Origins of the Term

The term “Dark Night of the Soul” finds its genesis in the 16th-century writings of St. John of the Cross, a Spanish mystic and poet. His seminal work, “Dark Night of the Soul,” lays the foundational understanding of this concept within Christian mysticism. St. John’s exposition is not merely a theological treatise but an intimate portrayal of the soul’s journey towards union with the divine. This journey, he describes, is fraught with spiritual trials and tribulations, leading to the purification and enlightenment of the soul.

In the dark night of the soul, bright flows the river of God.

– Dark night of the soul quotes (By John of the Cross)

St. John’s depiction of the Dark Night is deeply symbolic, employing vivid imagery to convey the profound loss and desolation experienced during this phase. His work elucidates how this spiritual crisis, though harrowing, is essential for stripping away the soul’s attachments to the material world, thereby facilitating a deeper communion with the divine.

Recognizing the Signs

Familiar Dark Night of the Soul Signs

While deeply personal and subjective, the Dark Night of the Soul manifests through sure common signs and experiences. These indicators often serve as the initial signals of entering this profound transformation phase. The most recognizable sign is a pervasive sense of spiritual desolation, where individuals may feel an acute disconnection from their previously held beliefs or spiritual practices. This is often accompanied by deep existential questioning, leading to uncertainty, aimlessness, and a profound reevaluation of one’s life purpose and values.

Another significant sign is the loss of meaning in activities that once brought joy or satisfaction. This might manifest as a general apathy towards life or an unshakeable feeling that something essential is missing. The Dark Night of the Soul often challenges one’s previously held notions about happiness and fulfilment, pushing individuals to seek more profound and authentic sources of meaning.

Physical Symptoms and Emotional Turbulence

The Dark Night of the Soul is not just a spiritual or psychological phenomenon but can manifest physically. Individuals might experience a range of physical symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, changes in appetite, or unexplained bodily pains. While not necessarily indicative of the Dark Night, these symptoms often accompany this journey’s emotional and spiritual upheaval.

Emotionally, the Dark Night can be a turbulent period, marked by intense feelings of sadness, despair, or anxiety. These emotions can be overwhelming and may seem to arise without any external cause. It’s not uncommon for individuals to feel a sense of grief as if mourning the loss of their former selves or a previous way of life.

The Role of Ego Death

A pivotal aspect of the Dark Night of the Soul is the concept of ego death. This process involves the dissolution of the ego – the sense of a separate, self-centric identity – leading to a profound transformation of consciousness. Ego death in the context of the Dark Night is often a disorienting experience, as it challenges the fundamental assumptions and beliefs that individuals have about themselves and the world.

This phase is marked by deconstructing the ego’s defences and illusions, leading to a more authentic and unfiltered reality experience. While ego death can be a distressing and disorienting process, it is also a critical step towards greater self-awareness and spiritual enlightenment. It’s a process of shedding the layers of false identity, paving the way for a deeper connection with the self and the broader universe.

Recognizing the signs of the Dark Night of the Soul is crucial for understanding and navigating this transformative journey. The physical symptoms, emotional turbulence, and the experience of ego death are not merely challenges to be overcome but are integral aspects of this profound process of personal and spiritual growth. In acknowledging and embracing these signs, individuals can better prepare themselves for the journey ahead, laying the foundation for a more meaningful and enlightened existence.

The Dark Night and Mental Health

The Dark Night of the Soul, while inherently a spiritual or existential crisis, has profound implications for mental health. It’s a period marked by intense psychological upheaval, where individuals may grapple with feelings of deep sadness, anxiety, and a sense of existential dread. These experiences can mimic symptoms of depression or anxiety disorders, making it crucial to distinguish between a psychiatric condition and a spiritual crisis.

This distinction is vital because the Dark Night is not a pathological state but a transformative process. While it can be distressing, it often leads to significant personal growth and a deeper understanding of oneself. However, it’s essential to approach this period with care and awareness, as neglecting mental health during this time can lead to more severe psychological issues.

Coping with Emotional and Spiritual Turmoil

Navigating the emotional and spiritual turmoil of the Dark Night requires a multifaceted approach. One key aspect is the cultivation of self-compassion and patience. Understanding that this process is a natural and necessary part of one’s spiritual journey can help in embracing the discomfort rather than resisting it.

Mindfulness and meditation practices can be invaluable tools during this time, aiding in grounding oneself amid the chaos. These practices help cultivate inner peace and detachment, allowing individuals to observe their experiences without being overwhelmed.

It’s also essential to maintain a support system during this period. This can include friends, family, spiritual guides, or support groups. Sharing one’s experiences and feelings with others who understand or have gone through similar experiences can provide comfort and guidance.

The Role of Therapy and Psychological Support

Professional therapy and psychological support can be crucial in navigating the Dark Night of the Soul. A therapist, particularly one with an understanding of spiritual processes, can provide valuable guidance and tools for managing the psychological aspects of this journey.

Therapy can help individuals process their emotions, unravel deep-seated beliefs and patterns, and develop coping strategies for their challenges. It can also provide a space for exploring the spiritual dimensions of their experiences in a grounded and psychologically informed manner.

In summary, the psychological impact of the Dark Night of the Soul is significant and multifaceted. It demands a compassionate and holistic approach, integrating self-care, mindfulness practices, community support, and professional guidance. Acknowledging the psychological dimensions of this journey is essential for a healthy and transformative experience, ultimately leading to a deeper understanding and fulfilment in one’s life.

The dark night of the soul is a journey into light, a journey from your darkness into the strength and hidden resources of your soul.

– Dark night of the soul quotes (by Caroline Myss)

The Dark Night Of The Soul Stages

The Various Stages and Their Meanings

The journey through the Dark Night of the Soul is often described as occurring in stages, each signifying a different aspect of this profound transformation. Understanding these stages helps in navigating the journey with greater awareness and insight.

  1. Initial Awakening: This stage is marked by an initial spiritual awakening or longing. It’s a period where one begins to question the deeper meanings of life and seeks more than what the material world offers.
  2. Purgation: The soul starts to detach from the pleasures and attachments of the physical world. This stage can be unsettling, as it involves a significant shift in perspective and values.
  3. Illumination: Here, there’s a glimpse of the divine or the deeper truths of existence. This stage offers a brief respite from the darkness, providing a vision of what lies beyond the current turmoil.
  4. Dark Night: This is the core of the journey, characterized by profound spiritual desolation and a feeling of separation from the divine. It’s a phase of deep introspection and confrontation with one’s innermost fears and desires.
  5. Union: The final stage is the union with the divine or the realization of one’s true nature. It’s a period of spiritual enlightenment and profound peace, where the soul is reborn into a new state of consciousness.

Each stage of the Dark Night requires different approaches and strategies for navigation:

  • Initial Awakening: Embrace the questions and uncertainties that arise, and seek knowledge and experiences that feed your spiritual curiosity.
  • Purgation: Practice detachment and mindfulness. This is a time to relinquish what no longer serves your highest good.
  • Illumination: Use the insights gained in this phase as motivation to continue your journey. Reflect on these moments of clarity for strength during more challenging times.
  • Dark Night: Seek support from spiritual guides, therapists, or support groups. Engage in practices that ground you, like meditation, journaling, or nature walks.
  • Union: Integrate your new understanding into your daily life. Maintain a practice that connects you to this newfound sense of self and the universe.

How Long Does Dark Night Of The Soul Last?

The duration of the Dark Night of the Soul varies significantly from person to person. It can last months, years, or even decades. The length of the journey depends on various factors, including the individual’s life experiences, psychological makeup, and the depth of their spiritual practices.

However, an insightful chunk of wisdom to remember is this: if this profound experience continues for a duration exceeding 12 weeks, it becomes imperative to accelerate your pursuit of spiritual illumination. It’s important to remember that the Dark Night is not a race but a profoundly personal transformation journey that unfolds in its own time.

I believe that the dark night of the soul is a common spiritual experience. I believe, too, that the answer is continued seeking and perseverance. It helps to know that others have endured a loss of faith.

– Dark night of the soul quotes ( By Julia Cameron)


The “Dark Night of the Soul” is a profound, transformative journey that involves deep introspection, existential questioning, and emotional turmoil, leading to personal growth, spiritual awakening, and a more authentic state of being. It challenges and reshapes an individual’s understanding of self and the world, emphasizing resilience, introspection, and the transformative power of facing inner struggles.

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