Letting Go The Pathway Of Surrender Review

Dedicated to transcending block to higher consciousness
Letting Go The Pathway Of Surrender Book Review

These days, people are burdened with a busy lifestyle that constantly causes stress. Many are suffering from various mental health issues that plague the general modern-day populous. These issues end up getting so severe that they require professional help. Some common problems associated with the modern lifestyle are burnout, stress, depression, and anxiety. To resolve such issues, “Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender” by David R. Hawkins offers a “prevention is better than cure.” message with practical methods to apply in these situations.

In the following Letting Go The Pathway of Surrender Book Review, we will look deeper at the book and how it’s one of the best self-help books on the market. This book is different from standard self-help books in various aspects. Still, the most prominent feature of the book is that instead of providing an external method, it asks the reader to go inward themselves to resolve their problem.

In this Letting Go The Pathway of Surrender Book Review, We will explore the content matter, the author’s background and expertise, modern relevance, and my personal experience. I invite you to read this review with an open mind.

Letting Go The Pathway Of Surrender Book Review

Content Matter

In the book, Hawkins explores the suffering of humans and how they keep seeking better and better ways to alleviate that suffering by discovering various ways, even though the effects of those methods are often short-lived. He sighs at the arduous effort of humans and presents his case by offering an approach that does not look outside for resolution by taking an inward detour.

In Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender, the author explores the emotional depth of consciousness. The book offers a more barebone and holistic approach to the suffering of mankind. The book does not suggest being superior to other modalities. Instead, it suggests that the techniques provided in the book can have synergistic effects. Thus, the techniques in the book do not conflict with other healing methods. Various accounts shared in the book suggest that letting go complements traditional treatment methods and can be used simultaneously.

The most important concept introduced in the book is the idea of surrender or “letting go.” Hawkins discusses “letting go” in detail as a way to process negative emotions. The author suggests that holding on to negativity is detrimental to our health. Hawkins seamlessly integrates scientific understanding with spiritual wisdom. He explains how emotions are not just psychological phenomena but also have physiological impacts.

Hawkins explains in detail various emotions and how they affect human consciousness. He segments emotions into two parts: emotions that are antilife or emotions that are prolife. He discusses emotions like apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger, pride, courage, neutrality, acceptance, reason, and peace. He dives into the origin of suffering and attributes it to suppressed negative emotions. The author explains how emotions are suppressed and repressed unconsciously, which govern our behavior and cause suffering. The book then offers letting go as a way to release these emotions.

The author describes the letting go process in detail for releasing suppressed emotions. Letting go involves experiencing emotions without resistance. The resistance can be judgment or a desire to escape experiencing the emotions fully, which then suppresses the emotions into the unconscious. The book provided practical methods for releasing suppressed emotions in everyday life.

    Hawkins explains that surrender is one of the pathways to enlightenment and moksha (liberation). He claims one can attain higher consciousness by letting go of blocks to love. The letting go technique is then provided as a tool for releasing negative emotions that prevent the emergence of love. The book also gives a detailed account of the author’s experience with “letting go” himself and many other stories of many people who utilized this method.

    Letting Go The Pathway Of Surrender Review

    Author’s Background And Expertise

    The book’s author, Dr. David R. Hawkins, is a psychiatrist with a vast history and specialization in spiritual studies. In addition to being a lifelong member of the American Psychiatric Association and other professional organizations, he began practicing psychiatry in 1952. Throughout his career, he has made several national television appearances on programs, including The Today Show, The Barbara Walters Show, The McNeil/Lehrer News Hour, and Oprah Winfrey interviews.

    Dr. Hawkins’s work is distinguished by his blending of spiritual awareness with a scientific and clinical background, giving his insights and teachings a distinct and easily understood quality. He has worked on realizing God’s Presence as Self and consciousness study.

    He produced a trilogy of publications, “Power vs. Force” (1995), “The Eye of the I” (2001), and “I: Reality and Subjectivity” (2003), all of which were praised by Mother Teresa.

    His approach to treating human suffering includes a wide range of fields, including medicine, psychology, psychiatry, psychoanalysis, behavioral techniques, biofeedback, acupuncture, nutrition, and brain chemistry. Additionally, philosophical systems, metaphysics, holistic health practices, self-improvement programs, spiritual paths, and meditative techniques are all included.

    Letting Go The Pathway Of Surrender Review

    Modern Relevance

    The book’s first chapter starts by addressing the common problem of suffering and its resolution. Thus, the book is very relevant in modern times. The author suggests inner work for lasting happiness. The book promotes holistic and spiritual well-being.

    Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender offers an in-depth guide to understanding and mastering emotions for personal transformation. Hawkins combines science and spirituality for a roadmap to inner peace and enlightenment.

    My personal experience

    I am proud to say that I have gone through this book personally at least ten times in ebook, audiobook, and paperback formats. Each time I go over the subject matter, I realize something new I didn’t pick up the last time I read it. This book has been a great help in my personal emotional growth and in easing emotional burdens. I have found the “mechanism of surrender” to be a great tool to overcome obstacles in life.

    One example of how I utilize the surrender method is first in the morning to surrender all my expectations about the day. After that, I use it again during the night to surrender any negative feelings lingering from the day’s activities. Another beneficial time to let go for me has been during the emotional overwhelm that comes without announcing.

    Throughout my three years of using this method, I have experienced a decrease in anxiety and stress levels. I find myself not worrying about every little detail anymore. Surrender isn’t defeat; it’s a strategic choice for inner peace and destiny.

    Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender

    Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender
    4 5 0 1
    “Letting Go” is a guide to helping to remove the obstacles we all have that keep us from living a more conscious life, it is truly a life-changing book. Many of us have trouble Letting Go in our lives even though it can have profound impact on our life.” —Wayne Dyer
    “Letting Go” is a guide to helping to remove the obstacles we all have that keep us from living a more conscious life, it is truly a life-changing book. Many of us have trouble Letting Go in our lives even though it can have profound impact on our life.” —Wayne Dyer
    4.0 rating
    Total Score

    Key Takeaway

    David R. Hawkins’ “The Pathway of Surrender” empowers readers to conquer inner demons for a peaceful life in today’s stress-filled world.


    David R. Hawkins’ book, “Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender,” blends science and spirituality to explain emotional healing and growth. It categorizes emotions, offers a release process, and provides practical techniques for daily life. The book promotes personal enlightenment, internal work, and inner peace in modern society. Readers report profound transformations despite some criticism.

    Letting Go The Pathway of Surrender Review

    Letting Go The Pathway of Surrender Review
    84 100 0 1
    Reviewing "Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender" by David R. Hawkins involves assessing its content depth, practicality in daily life, reader impact, author's expertise, and contemporary relevance. These criteria assess the book's effectiveness in guiding emotional healing and growth in modern life.
    Reviewing "Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender" by David R. Hawkins involves assessing its content depth, practicality in daily life, reader impact, author's expertise, and contemporary relevance. These criteria assess the book's effectiveness in guiding emotional healing and growth in modern life.
    Total Score
    • Content and Subject Matter
      75/100 Very good
      The book explores emotional healing and growth through letting go, analyzing emotions from apathy to love and offering practical strategies.
    • Practical Application
      85/100 Amazing
      Hawkins' work is practical, offering tools to apply letting go principles in daily life for stress and emotional issues.
    • Transformational Impact
      75/100 Very good
      Many readers credit the book with helping overcome fears, heal from traumas, and find purpose.
    • Author's Expertise
      95/100 The best
      Dr. Hawkins' psychiatry and spirituality background adds depth and credibility, making the book a reliable resource for well-being.
    • Relevance to Modern Readers
      90/100 Amazing
      The book's message is relevant in today's fast-paced world, countering hustle culture for inner peace and resilience.

    The Good

    • Offers practical strategies for emotional healing and personal growth.
    • Readers report significant life changes after applying the teachings.
    • Blends clinical experience with spiritual insights for a holistic approach.
    • Addresses relevant modern-day challenges like stress and emotional turmoil.
    • Provides a detailed understanding of various emotional states.

    The Bad

    • Some may find the approach overly simplistic for complex emotional issues.
    • May not resonate with those skeptical of integrating spirituality in healing.
    • The book's effectiveness is highly dependent on the reader's active participation.
    • Requires a willingness to introspect and confront deep-seated emotions.
    • Some concepts might be challenging for those new to emotional self-work.
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